Thursday, August 29, 2013

Short course for AYUSH Teachers in Educational Methodology

Program objectives
The overall objective of the Short Course in Educational Methodology is to provide the healthcare system with qualified educators. The program focuses on the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are relevant to professional performance and career development in AYUSH education.

Who should attend this course?
Teachers in AYUSH Colleges affiliated to RGUHS, who wish to understand the principles of Educational Methodology and apply them in their teaching and evaluation practices.

To enable the teachers of AYUSH Colleges so as to apply the principles of Educational Methodology in their teaching and evaluation practices
At the end of the course, the participants will –
·         identify the learning needs of their students
·         demonstrate evidence of teaching skills
·         plan and design appropriate teaching – learning aids
·         design, plan and implement appropriate student assessment strategy
·         demonstrate evidence of the ability to provide evidence based advice to teachers, University committees or management of an AYUSH educational institution, the regulations of respective apex bodies
  • act with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner.

Nature of Course Delivery
The three month course is envisaged on the Open and Distance Learning Mode. This model is increasingly preferred as strategy for Continuing Professional Development by various professional communities.
The course will be delivered on multiple platforms –
  • distance learning through self-learning text
  • embedded self assessment activities which will be tutor marked
  • induction program to introduce the course and its implementation
  • mentoring through e-mail from the academic hub
  • contact programs to practice the relevant skills.
The course will be of three months duration with one Induction Program at the beginning of the course and tow Contact Programs, one at the end of six weeks each at the Academic Hub. The course will be delivered in a modular design.
Assessment of the learners is done in three phases –
  • Portfolio comprising of Self Assessment Activity, which is embedded as Assignments into the Self Learning Material,
  • Individual and Group Tasks at the Contact Programs
  • Microteaching presentation and Peer Review during the second Contact Program
On successful completion of the course, a Certificate will be awarded.

Course Details

Module 1: Basics of education
This module prepares you to understand the underlying principles that influence learning, thereby improving the teaching performance.
Specific objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to –
o   Summarise adult learning principles
o   Describe stages of learning
o   Acknowledge differences in learning styles and their implication on educational practice
o   Discuss the  basic teaching model
o   Explain Miller’s Spiral of Education
o   Distinguish the characteristics of a ‘good teacher’
o   Justify the need for a formal course in educational methodology for better teacher performance

  • Educational psychology with special reference to adult learning theories
  • Stages and phases of learning
  • Education as a system
  • Basic teaching model
  • Miller’s Educational Spiral
  • Overview of teacher competencies
  • Importance of training teachers in health professions

Module 2: Curriculum Management
Specific objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to –
o   Describe the domains of educational taxonomy
o   Design course plan for Unit, Term and Year
o   Prepare a lesson plan
o   Present a micro teaching session
o   Peer review a micro teaching session
  • n

  • Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives
  • Hierarchy of objectives
  • Levels of objectives

  • Course planning at annual, term and unit levels
  • Lesson Planning
  • Microteaching – principles of presentation and review

Module 3: Learning environment
Specific objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to –
o   Demonstrate the effectively use, advantages and disadvantages of various TL methods
o   Relate TL Methods to various domains
o   Validate the importance of communication in TL context
o   Match TL Media to TL Methods
o   Identify domain specific TL Media

  • Teaching – Learning Methods
  • Educational Communication
  • Teaching – Learning Media
  • Preparing handouts, charts, PPT
  • Advanced Teaching - Learning Resources

Module 4: Evaluation
Specific objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to –
o   Discuss principles of evaluation
o   Choose assessment methods based on domains
o   Construct a Question Paper blueprint
o   Prepare questions for three categories of theory test – long essay, short essay and short answer
o   Recall principles of OSCE / OSPE
o   Conduct ‘good’ viva

  • Principles of evaluation
  • Forms of evaluation
  • Characteristics of a test
  • Matrix of evaluation and domains of learning
  • Blue print for a question paper
  • Improving Essay Type Questions
  • Introduction to OSCE / OSPE
  • Objective Structured Viva Voce / Viva Cards
  • Question Banking and Answer Key


Reflections on Teachers' Day

It is an often heard comment that teaching is a noble profession. Noble could mean aristocratic, dignified, righteous, self-sacrificing among other things. On the whole, it gives a splash of elitism to the expression. Are we to assume that teachers are a distinct breed and all of them carry a homogenous trait of nobility?
Well if we reflect on to earlier times, teacher indeed was a rare entity in case we assume this type to include only those who teach how to read and write and the offshoots thereon. In this process have we not overlooked a huge swathe of professionals who guide their apprentices to learn the skill that they practice, e.g. a carpenter or potter? Are we open to accept that these professionals are carrying the halo of nobility around them?
This precisely is the crux of the issue. Elitism got attached to teachers of the ‘knowledge peddling’ variety and this genre was indeed a rarity in olden times as there was a class barrier to those who could openly acquire knowledge. To preserve this privileged status, many dimensions were added and the aura of nobility was fixed to it.
In this age of liberal and democratic polity, what is the relevance of ‘noble profession’? If we look deep into the characteristics of each profession – teacher, carpenter, doctor, driver, lawyer, brick layer, you name any; every profession has an exclusive body of knowledge and skill. The knowledge could be codified and explicit with the so-called ‘white collar’ professions and uncodified and implicit with the so-called ‘blue collar’ professions.
The white collared professionals command a special privilege in the social hierarchy for various reasons that include a power to negotiate favourable returns. Perhaps because of this, the tag of nobility hovers around them. The blue collared, who form a proletarian group have obvious disadvantageous of being in larger numbers and thus easy to pick and chose, which prevents them from developing a bargaining power except in rare occasions.
This again brings us back to the original question – is teaching a noble profession. I would prefer to add a tagline – should we think of a different model for teaching profession. If we have to break from the conventional and medieval brands and march ahead into the future, we also have to rethink on a variety of social constructs.
In this context, developing a skill based and value added model of teaching / training can hold key to many of the ills that plague education system. Education has to move out of the confines of elitist academies and get entrenched into the environs of practice. Experience has to feed ideas and innovations must generate from freedom to think and do. There are many anti-establishmentarian movements in education – a notable example being the concept that Ivan Illich popularised. In fact the concept of home schooling that is catching up as an alternative educational method and flipped classroom which is a reformative development within the conventional education system are examples of how the forces of change can impact our lives.

Do we teachers of the white collared variety have the openness to admit that winds of change are wafting across our ivory towers and we will one day or the other come under its spell.